Characterization of the Main Integrating Discipline of the Stomatology Career in Plan E




stomatology, discipline, teachers, students, self-management, medical education, education at work


Introduction: Study programs are continually improved in Higher Education Centers. The current E curriculum retains the positive aspects of previous programs, while reinforcing the Integrative Core Discipline. 
Objective: Characterize the Main Integrating Discipline of the Dentistry Career in Plan E. 
Methods: Descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction and empirical: documentary analysis to obtain information about the characteristics of the program and group work (workshops), in the Discipline Collective. 
Development: The implementation of the discipline facilitates the integration of knowledge, skills and values expressed in the modes of action of the student, who works with the object of his profession from the first year; Self-management of the student's knowledge predominates in each subject of the discipline and education at work is ratified as the main form of teaching. Teachers' understanding of the characteristics of the discipline was achieved through methodological workshops. 
Conclusions: The Main Integrative Discipline is characterized by training oriented towards professional skills from the beginning of the career. The discipline and curricular strategies extend throughout the degree and are integrated with the components of the teaching-learning process. Students must construct their learning in an active and independent way. The teachers deepened their knowledge of the components of the teaching-learning process contemplated by the discipline.  


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How to Cite

Afre-Socorro AL, Labrador-Falero DM, García-Molina Y, Alonso-Herrera A, Wong-Silva J. Characterization of the Main Integrating Discipline of the Stomatology Career in Plan E. Odontologia (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];2:130. Available from: