Oral chromatin detection: an example of scientific and technological development management at an Angolan university


  • Roberto Lardoeyt Ferrer Instituto Superior Politécnico “Alvorecer da Juventude” (ISPAJ). Luanda, República de Angola Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4921-5630
  • Maria do Rosário Bragança Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Katyavala Bwila. Benguela. República de Angola Author
  • Milaydes Lardoeyt Ferrer Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Katyavala Bwila. Benguela. República de Angola Author https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5519-7195




scientific-technological development, university-society, medical education, genetics, sexual differentiation disorders, Angola


Introduction: The Faculty of Medicine of Benguela, province of Angola, has the social responsibility to respond to the perceived health needs of the population with its technological resources, its students in training, linked to one of the most important substantive processes, which is scientific research.
Objective: To implement the sexual chromatin technique, as a management of the scientific and technological innovation process of the Faculty of Medicine of the Katyavala Bwila University (FMUKB)
Methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out, reporting a series of cases with sexual differentiation disorders (SDD). The technique was standardized with the Giemsa reagent and the procedure was carried out on four cases with SDD.
Results: Genetic sex was defined based on sexual chromatin in the four cases with SDD. Three cases were chromatin positive, with clinical suspicion of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, while one case was chromatin negative, with clinical suspicion of a 5 α reductase deficiency.
Conclusion: It is possible to define the chromatin sex in the cases studied, a result of great importance for the clinical management and therapeutic strategy by the multidisciplinary team. It is demonstrated that the monitors of the Medical Genetics discipline are protagonists in the management of scientific processes and the capacity for technological innovation in the faculty. With the realization of the technique, the genetics laboratory of the faculty is inaugurated


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How to Cite

Lardoeyt Ferrer R, Bragança M do R, Lardoeyt Ferrer M. Oral chromatin detection: an example of scientific and technological development management at an Angolan university. Odontologia (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];3:202. Available from: https://odonto.ageditor.uy/index.php/odonto/article/view/202