Establishment of reference levels in dental diagnostics


  • U. Manuel Villarreal Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brasil Author



Diagnostic reference levels, radiological protection, dental radiology, dose optimization, patient safety


The initial process for establishing Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) should focus on several key aspects: promoting a culture of safety, training personnel, assigning clear responsibilities, implementing tools and methods for dose assessment, and ensuring adequate regulation and funding by the competent regulatory authority. Although the risk associated with dental radiological examinations is relatively low compared to natural risks, any additional risk, however minimal, is unacceptable if it does not benefit the patient. According to the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), dose limits and dose constraints are not recommended for individual patients, as they could compromise diagnostic efficacy, causing more harm than benefit. Therefore, it is crucial that dental radiology services implement radiological protection measures by establishing DRLs, in order to maximize the diagnostic benefits while minimizing the risk to the patient. A methodology for establishing DRLs in dental clinical practice is proposed, including justification of appropriate radiological examination, optimization of radiological protection, and correct use of DRL values.


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How to Cite

Villarreal UM. Establishment of reference levels in dental diagnostics. Odontologia (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];3:203. Available from: