Conquering Calcification: How PriciGuide® system is Transforming Endodontics. A Case Report
Pulp canal obliteration, guided endodontics, PriciGuide® system, static guide, digital dentistry, 3D printingAbstract
Introduction: Traumatic injuries are a common cause of pulp canal obliteration (PCO), frequently affecting the maxillary central incisors. PCO presents significant challenges for root canal treatment due to procedural complexities and risks of iatrogenic errors. The PriciGuide® system, offers an innovative solution for guided endodontics, enhancing precision, visibility, and efficiency.
Case Report: A 26-year-old male presented with a discoloured upper front tooth, tender on percussion and non-responsive to cold tests. Radiographic evaluation revealed a widened periodontal ligament (PDL) space, and the tooth was diagnosed with PCO and symptomatic apical periodontitis. The patient opted for root canal treatment using the PriciGuide® system. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and a diagnostic impression were used to create a customized guide. The PriciGuide® system facilitated precise access cavity preparation, and the root canal was instrumented with Hyflex CM files and irrigated with sodium hypochlorite with Twin Kleen enhanced by passive ultrasonic activation. The tooth was obturated with gutta-percha and restored with an all-ceramic crown. At a one-year follow-up, the tooth remained asymptomatic both clinically and radiographically.
Conclusion: The PriciGuide® system effectively addressed the challenges of root canal treatment in a tooth with PCO, ensuring precise access, preservation of tooth structure, and optimal treatment outcomes. This case highlights the system's potential to advance guided endodontics and improve clinical success rates in complex cases
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